People seeking help or information online about cutting and other forms of self-injury are likely finding falsehoods and myths, according to new research. Only about 10 per cent of websites providing information about non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) are endorsed by health or academic institutions. It’s a troubling finding, says the lead author. “This is a salient public health issue,” he said.
Category: research
How a brain treatment for OCD turned a man into a Johnny Cash fanatic
Here’s a title you can’t help but read, even though it’s in a highly technical scholarly journal: “A case of musical preference for Johnny Cash following deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens.”
Remembering, as an Extreme Sport
The last match of the tournament had all the elements of a classic showdown, pitting style versus stealth, quickness versus deliberation, and the world’s foremost card virtuoso against its premier numbers wizard.
If not quite Ali-Frazier or Williams-Sharapova, the duel was all the audience of about 100 could ask for. They had come to the first Extreme Memory Tournament, or XMT, to see a fast-paced, digitally enhanced memory contest, and that’s what they got.
Guns Kill Children
The overwhelming evidence that pediatricians are right and the NRA is wrong.
Academia’s seamier side: Lying, cheating and fraud
The seamier side of academia, lying, cheating and occasionally stealing, this is the world revealed by a blog which, by all rights, should be dry and boring, like its name, “Retraction Watch.”
Why Does Sleeping In Just Make Me More Tired?
We’ve all been there: It’s been a long week at work, so Friday night, you reward yourself by going to bed early and sleeping in. But when you wake up the next morning (or afternoon), light scathes your eyes, and your limbs feel like they’re filled with sand. Your brain is still lying down and you even have faint headache. If too little sleep is a problem, then why is extra sleep a terrible solution?
Yoga Makes You a Quicker, Better Thinker, Study Finds
Practice hatha yoga consistently for eight weeks and you’re likely to think faster and better remember things. Stretch and do toning exercises and your brain functioning is likely to stay the same
From Kerala to France: Brainwaves emailed
Here’s a story that sounds like science fiction but actually happened. A man in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, thought the words `hola’ and `ciao’ (hello or goodbye in Italian) and another man in Strasbourg, France, received the two greetings in his brain. No hands, no speaking, no typing, no gestures -just mind-tomind communication.
This Is What Weight Loss Does To Your Brain
New research shows weight loss surgery can reverse the negative effects body fat may have on the brain.
‘Location, location, location.’ How where you live influences how you shop online.
In the digital era, there’s no doubt consumers are more connected to each other and to global retail brands than ever before.
But despite this connectivity, researcher David R. Bell makes the case in his new book, “Location is (Still) Everything,” that the neighborhoods we live in — and the acquaintances we encounter there — still have deep influence on how we shop.