How a Human Scream Uniquely Activates the Fear Response in Your Brain

We know human screams are jarring. They’re loud, occasionally shrill, and tend to make us feel stressed, or even fearful. What’s unclear is why they elicit anxiety. But a new study suggests this response may have something to do with the acoustic quality of human screams, and how they trigger the brain’s fear response.


Here’s How To Stop A Migraine Before It Destroys Your Whole Day

Migraines cause severe throbbing in the head, sensitivity to light, sounds or smells, and are brutally painful.  Researchers don’t agree on the number of Americans who suffer from migraines, but official numbers range from 16.2 percent to 22.7 percent. Dr. Wade Cooper, director of the University of Michigan Headache and Neuropathic Pain Clinic, explained that they’re a lot more common than you think.

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