Psychological abuse falls under the umbrella of domestic abuse. According to a Government definition, domestic abuse involves ‘coercive control’, where people control their partners through threats and restrictions, as well as physical violence.
Category: couples
The New Sex Therapy: How Kink, BDSM and Infidelity Could Improve Your Marriage
Conservative estimates suggest anywhere from 20 to 60 percent or more of people cheat on their spouses. Internet porn remains — as you probably know, quite possibly firsthand— wildly popular. If a thing exists, there’s someone out there who’s into it sexually, and a site dedicated to it somewhere online. And regardless of what you thought of 50 Shades of Grey, either the terribly written novel or the comically bad film, that whole enterprise launched millions of housewife masturbation sessions and helped expand the conversation around BDSM.
One Simple Idea That Could Reduce Domestic Violence
A report released Tuesday is proposing a simple way to reduce domestic violence: Give victims free lawyers.
Lawyers are expensive, and women who need them often can’t afford them. Without legal counsel, it can be harder for women to get protective orders, leave their abusive partners and escape the cycle of violence. And women stuck in violent relationships tend to miss work because of injury or rack up hospital bills they can never pay off, according to the report by The Institute for Policy Integrity, a nonpartisan think tank.
With one in four women in the U.S. estimated to become victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime, this dynamic has major economic repercussions. As the report notes, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that domestic violence costs the U.S. at least $9.05 billion each year.
Providing free or subsidized legal representation to victims, the report concludes, may reduce domestic violence and would be cost-effective as it would likely result in lower associated health care and legal costs.
Here’s What Breaking Up Does to Your Brain
When the love of your life dumps you, you’re going to go a little nuts. But it’s a very specific form of crazy: There are actually conflicting neural systems active inside your brain. It’s like you’re falling in love all over again, only in reverse. Here’s how neuroscience explains it.
Men and women reveal on secrets app why they DON’T like having sex
Men and women from around the world have taken to an anonymous secret-sharing app to reveal why they don’t like having sex.
In posts released by Whisper, reasons include being too body-conscious to enjoy being intimate with a partner, to finding doing the deed boring.
The best age to get married if you don’t want to get divorced
Conventional wisdom has it that the older you are when you get married, the lower your chances for divorce. But a fascinating new analysis of family data by Nicholas H. Wolfinger, a sociologist at the University of Utah, suggests that after a certain point, the risk of divorce starts to rise again as you get older.
My wife died recently. Here’s what this first Mother’s Day will look like without her.
As Mother’s Day approached this year, I felt a great sense of dread and loss. Forty-nine days ago my wife, the mother of my four young children, died after a two-and-a-half year battle with cancer. I have been initiated into a club for whom this day causes more hurt than joy. It is not just the day itself, the actual 24 hours, but also the days leading up to it.
Fighting once a week? It`s good for marriage
Opinionator: The Brain on Love
Opinionator: The Brain on Love
Published: March 24, 2012
A happy marriage relieves stress and makes one feel as safe as an adored baby.
Why You Aren’t Happily Ever After Anymore
This guest article from YourTango was written by Kim Olver.
People date, putting their best foot forward, to acquire the relationship they want. If you are married, you succeeded at the Compatibility Stage of Relationships, deciding you and your spouse had enough in common to make a lifetime commitment to each other. Congratulations!