We’re throwing away tons of fruits and veggies for not being pretty enough

Some criteria are rightly based on food-safety and shelf-life considerations, but many are manifestations of misguided normative ideas about what produce should look like. Cucumbers should be straight, cauliflower florets should be tightly held, and rhubarb stalks should be ruby red. If not, retailers tell farmers, consumers won’t buy them.

Washington Post

Why Healthy Eaters Fall for Fries

LAST Tuesday, Connor Moran, a limit-the-red-meat, increase-the-greens, eat-salad-for-lunch kind of guy, stopped into a Bronx Dunkin’ Donuts for his usual black coffee, no sugar, no cream.
He walked out with a sandwich of egg and bacon between two halves of a glazed doughnut.

Such is the puzzle of the food industry: American consumers, even otherwise healthy ones, keep choosing caloric indulgences rather than healthy foods at fast-food restaurants.


How To Make Worldwide Brain News (No News And Very Little Brain Required!)

The term “digital dementia” wasn’t widely known until a story originating in South Korea recently broke around the world. According to certain doctors, an alarming percentage of Korean teenagers are suffering from degenerative memory loss attributed to the overuse of smartphones.
