Yoga can improve mood and mental wellbeing among prisoners, an Oxford University study suggests, and may also have an effect on impulsive behaviour.
Category: self-improvement
How To Learn A New Skill Fast
For his new book, Kaufman, a business adviser in Fort Collins, Colo., decided to teach himself a smorgasbord of skills in the course of one year: the ukulele, windsurfing, yoga, computer programming, a faster way of touch typing and the ancient Chinese board game, Go.
4 Psychological Tricks That Can Banish Bad Money Habits
If you’ve been making excuses for your lack of financial resolve, science may have your back:
How Yoga Could Help Keep Kids In School
Scientific evidence is mounting daily for what many have long sensed: that practices like mindfulness, meditation, and yoga can help us address certain intractable individual and societal problems.
Self-Loathing Wins Championships
A video of a German tennis star berating himself is the key to understanding sports psychology.
How to Improve Handwriting
We may not write by hand much anymore but it is still a reflection of oneself.
In Mindfulness, a Method to Sharpen Focus and Open Minds
“Like most people, I have my share of tension and anxiety. And I’m happy to find ways to cope that don’t involve illegal drugs. So when the term mindfulness began cropping up everywhere, I became intrigued.”
How much can an extra hour’s sleep change you?
The average Briton gets six-and-a-half hours’ sleep a night, according to the Sleep Council. Michael Mosley took part in an unusual experiment to see if this is enough.
4 Pointers for Using Mindfulness to Stop People Pleasing
Wanting to please and take care of others is natural. But when pleasing others is based in fear of being unloved, it can become habitual and unhealthy, according to Micki Fine, MEd, LPC, author of The Need to Please: Mindfulness Skills to Gain Freedom from People Pleasing & Approval Seeking.
10 Novels to a Better You
Who really knows if reading will make you a better person? More to the point, why should it matter?