By overestimating how much women want them, men may increase their chances of scoring
Category: research
Ritalin Gone Wrong
Ritalin Gone Wrong
Published: January 28, 2012
Millions of children take drugs to help them pay attention — but do they really help?
When Truisms Are True
Published: February 25, 2012
Our research has shown that people are indeed more creative when physically thinking “outside the box.”
Nicotine Gum and Skin Patch Face New Doubt
Nicotine replacements have no lasting benefit in helping smokers quit and may backfire, according to the most rigorous long-term study to date.
Fighting once a week? It`s good for marriage
Headphones linked to pedestrian deaths, injuries
Are Emotions Prophetic?
For thousands of years, human beings have looked down on their emotions. We’ve seen them as primitive passions, the unfortunate legacy of our animal past. When we do stupid things – say, eating too much cake, or sleeping with the wrong person, or taking out a subprime mortgage – we usually blame our short-sighted feelings. People commit crimes of passion. There are no crimes of rationality.
The Personal Analytics of My Life – Stephen Wolfram
One day I’m sure everyone will routinely collect all sorts of data about themselves. But because I’ve been interested in data for a very long time, I started doing this long ago. I actually assumed lots of other people were doing it too, but apparently they were not. And so now I have what is probably one of the world’s largest collections of personal data
Want to limit aggression? Practice self-control
Feeling angry and annoyed with others is a daily part of life, but most people don’t act on these impulses. What keeps us from punching line-cutters or murdering conniving co-workers? Self-control.