A large-scale study has now shown that adult women with anorexia whose disorder is not too severe can be treated successfully on an out-patient basis. Even after conclusion of therapy, they continue to make significant weight gains.
Category: research
WATCH: Why Your Memories Can’t Be Trusted
You can trust your own memory — right? Wrong. Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus shares decades of research showing that when it comes to remembering things, what we swear is fact is often fiction… and sometimes, the consequences of trusting our own memories are life and death.
Eating Disorders More Common in Males Than Realized
Parents and doctors assume eating disorders very rarely affect males. However, a study of 5,527 teenage males from across the U.S., published Nov.4 in JAMA Pediatrics, challenges this belief. Boston Children’s Hospital researchers found 17.9 percent of adolescent boys were extremely concerned about their weight and physique. These boys were more likely to start engaging in risky behaviors, including drug use and frequent binge drinking.
Debunking the ‘Virgin Birth’ Myth
A new study from North Carolina claimed to turn up 45 recent ‘virgin births’ in the U.S. Maybe the Virgin Mary wasn’t the only one?
A.D.H.D. Experts Re-evaluate Study’s Zeal for Drugs
Twenty years ago, more than a dozen leaders in child psychiatry received $11 million from the National Institute of Mental Health to study an important question facing families with children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Is the best long-term treatment medication, behavioral therapy or both?
The Top Ten Brain Science And Psychology Studies Of 2013
This Top 10 list isn’t meant to be exhaustive (given how many studies are published each year, it never could be), but it’s a sturdy sampling of incredible work being conducted around the world, moving us closer to solving some extremely vexing puzzles about brains and behavior. Putting it mildly, 2013 was an eventful year for brain science.
One-third of Americans reject evolution, poll shows
One-third of Americans reject the idea of evolution and Republicans have grown more skeptical about it, according to a poll released on Monday.
Meditation for Anxiety, Depression?
Some 30 minutes of meditation daily may improve symptoms of anxiety and depression, a new Johns Hopkins analysis of previously published research suggests.
Guns Kill Children
The overwhelming evidence that pediatricians are right and the NRA is wrong.
America’s Driving Behavior
Americans do some pretty dumb, dangerous things while driving, according to the results of a new Harris poll.