Well: How Perception Can Boost Sports Performance
Published: March 28, 2012
Manipulate equipment or expectations so that a task looks easy and, the work of one psychologist suggests, it will be.
Category: research
Neuroscientists Battle Furiously Over Jennifer Aniston
A few years ago, a UCLA neurosurgeon named Itzhak Fried, while operating on patients who suffer from debilitating epileptic seizures, discovered what he now calls the “Jennifer Aniston Neuron.”
In the Lab with the world’s Leading Laugh Scientist
In Sitting Still, a Bench Press for the Brain – NYTimes.com
In Sitting Still, a Bench Press for the Brain
The role of meditation in brain development has been linked to the idea of increased cognitive capabilities.
How to Change Your Life – SmartMoney.com
Arends: MIT research suggests the key to breaking a bad habit lies in identifying both its cue — and its reward.
New Kind of Memory Trick May Help Drug Addicts Recover – MedicalXpress
Unhurtful Thoughts: A Preoccupied Brain Produces Pain-Killing Compounds
Unhurtful Thoughts: A Preoccupied Brain Produces Pain-Killing Compounds
Spinal scans reveal the mechanism by which intense thinking can block pain receptors in the nervous system
Mind Games: Sometimes a White Coat Isn’t Just a White Coat – NYTimes
The Power of Music: Mind Control by Rhythmic Sound
New Orleans, October 16, 2012 – You walk into a bar and music is thumping. All heads are bobbing and feet tapping in synchrony. Somehow the rhythmic sound grabs control of the brains of everyone in the room forcing them to operate simultaneously and perform the same behaviors in synchrony. How is this possible? Is this unconscious mind control by rhythmic sound only driving our bodily motions, or could it be affecting deeper mental processes?
Study Discovers Internal Trigger for Panic Attack in the Previously Fearless
An experiment involving a woman incapable of experiencing fear because of brain damage suggests a different path for signals generated by internal bodily stress like heart attacks.