Author Pamela Druckerman praises the French for imposing discipline and order on their kids. But do these high expectations come at the expense of hugs and kisses?
Author Pamela Druckerman praises the French for imposing discipline and order on their kids. But do these high expectations come at the expense of hugs and kisses?
We never worry about an involved father “masculinizing” his daughter. Why do such fears persist about a feminizing aspect of mothering?
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Is play the key to academic success? A growing body of research suggests that playing certain kinds of childhood games may be the best way to increase a child’s ability to do well in school.
Why our brains push us toward unexpected affection and rewards.
Why do kids rule the roost?
Researchers still do not know what the future might hold for a generation raised with smartphones and tablets.
Apr. 18, 2013 — Parents know that crying babies usually calm down when they are picked up and carried, but why is that? In a study published today, researchers from the RIKEN Brain Science Institute show that human babies and mouse pups alike automatically relax deeply when they are carried.
I know many people want to stay current with the latest parenting trends — attachment parenting, minimalist parenting, Tiger Mother parenting, et al. Well, I’ve stumbled upon a new technique that will guarantee your child grows up to be an exemplary student and citizen.