Pleasure eating triggers body’s reward system and may stimulate overeating.
Category: food
What Eating Too Much Sugar Does to Your Brain –
Overeating, poor memory formation, learning disorders, depression – all have been linked in recent research to the over-consumption of sugar. And these linkages point to a problem that is only beginning to be better understood: what our chronic intake of added sugar is doing to our brains
How to Change Your Life –
Arends: MIT research suggests the key to breaking a bad habit lies in identifying both its cue — and its reward.
Revealing the scientific secrets of why people can’t stop after eating one potato chip
Making fruit easier to eat increases sales and consumption in school cafeterias
The Brain: Our Food-Traffic Controller
Understanding how the brain responds to sweets may be our best hope for controlling obesity.
Wine Drinkers of the World, Unite
You have nothing to lose but inflated bills and interrupted anecdotes.
By Christopher Hitchens|Posted Saturday, May 18, 2013, at 5:30 AM
Mindful eating: Peaceful coexistence with food
We know a whole lot about what (kale) and what not (potato chips) to eat. But what about the how and why of eating?
Americans Throw Out 40 Percent Of Their Food, Which Is Terrible For The Climate
On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Agency announced their plan to tackle food waste in America, a problem that has grown by 50 percent since the 1970s.
Too Little Sleep May Trigger the ‘Munchies’ by Raising Levels of an Appetite-Controlling Molecule
June 17, 2013 — Insufficient sleep may contribute to weight gain and obesity by raising levels of a substance in the body that is a natural appetite stimulant, a new study finds. The results were presented today at The Endocrine Society’s 95th Annual Meeting in San Francisco.