Now that meditation has hit the cover of TIME, the Wisdom 2.0 conference has brought meditating executives to the headlines, and figures from Arianna Huffington to 50 Cent do the practice, a bit of backlash was inevitable.
Category: behavior
Online self-injury information often inaccurate, study finds
People seeking help or information online about cutting and other forms of self-injury are likely finding falsehoods and myths, according to new research. Only about 10 per cent of websites providing information about non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) are endorsed by health or academic institutions. It’s a troubling finding, says the lead author. “This is a salient public health issue,” he said.
What women want on the dance floor, according to science
What women want on the dance floor, according to science
A group of evolutionary biologists looked at the science of bump and grind, and say they have figured out exactly which dance movements catch a woman’s eye.
The attention paid to the wage gap between men and women tends to obscure the fact that at the other end of the economic life cycle – early education – females are the dominant ones. And they continue to dominate all throughout school, reports the New York Times, which finds some of that fact due to a “behavior gap” among boys and girls.
I went undercover on Ashley Madison to find out why women cheat
“Honey, I have to join Ashley Madison.”
So began the pitch I gave my wife to let me join the marrieds-looking-for-affairs website, It would be part of my research into women who cheat, why infidelity is increasing, and what can be done to possibly affair-proof a marriage. I proposed to “cheat” on her for a few weeks, to talk to and attempt to seduce as many women as possible, and get a real-world understanding of why women want to stay married but also need some illicit action on the side.
The Oldest Profession Evolves—How the Web Transformed Prostitution
The Internet has lowered the bar for entry, and brought new buyers and sellers into the sex market, reports Greg Gilderman.
Remembering, as an Extreme Sport
The last match of the tournament had all the elements of a classic showdown, pitting style versus stealth, quickness versus deliberation, and the world’s foremost card virtuoso against its premier numbers wizard.
If not quite Ali-Frazier or Williams-Sharapova, the duel was all the audience of about 100 could ask for. They had come to the first Extreme Memory Tournament, or XMT, to see a fast-paced, digitally enhanced memory contest, and that’s what they got.
Guns Kill Children
The overwhelming evidence that pediatricians are right and the NRA is wrong.
America’s Driving Behavior
Americans do some pretty dumb, dangerous things while driving, according to the results of a new Harris poll.
Who Knew? Husbands Can Be Nagged to Death
Danish research suggests a demanding spouse and whiny kids can send a person to an early grave–and that men are more vulnerable than women.