The Banality of Systemic Evil

In recent months there has been a visible struggle in the media to come to grips with the leaking, whistle-blowing and hacktivism that has vexed the United States military and the private and government intelligence communities. This response has run the gamut. It has involved attempts to condemn, support, demonize, psychoanalyze and in some cases canonize figures like Aaron Swartz, Jeremy Hammond, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden.


People Lose Their Sh*t in Hilarious Haunted House Photos, Part Two

Last year, a haunted house called Nightmares Fear Factory became an internet sensation when photos they took of people being scared out of their minds went über-viral, and this year they’re at it again.

The new batch of the company’s freak-out photos is beginning to spread and many feature the same kind of over-the-top, unrestrained reactions that made last year’s such a hit.


4 Pointers for Using Mindfulness to Stop People Pleasing

Wanting to please and take care of others is natural. But when pleasing others is based in fear of being unloved, it can become habitual and unhealthy, according to Micki Fine, MEd, LPC, author of The Need to Please: Mindfulness Skills to Gain Freedom from People Pleasing & Approval Seeking.
