As the drumbeats for war with Iran reach bellicose heights, a new book argues that waging war is not an innate part of our nature.
As the drumbeats for war with Iran reach bellicose heights, a new book argues that waging war is not an innate part of our nature.
You may never tame lions or swim with the sharks, but you still have plenty of opportunities to act courageously every day. Learn the secrets to becoming bolder and braver from five experts (including a poker champion and a stunt coordinator) who smile in the face of fear.
If traditional weight-loss diets have failed you, you might just try hitting the sack.
We never worry about an involved father “masculinizing” his daughter. Why do such fears persist about a feminizing aspect of mothering?
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Omnivores, take note: Embracing a vegetarian diet could make you happier and less stressed, according to new research published in Nutrition Journal.
Feeling angry and annoyed with others is a daily part of life, but most people don’t act on these impulses. What keeps us from punching line-cutters or murdering conniving co-workers? Self-control.
Teens who receive formal sex education wait longer to have sex, a new study finds — and when they do get around to doing the deed, they’re more likely than teens who haven’t had sex ed to use contraception.
Would you believe that while standing in line to pay for your groceries, you are but an arm’s length away from a potent neurochemical catalyst that costs less than a single pill of any antidepressant?
One day I’m sure everyone will routinely collect all sorts of data about themselves. But because I’ve been interested in data for a very long time, I started doing this long ago. I actually assumed lots of other people were doing it too, but apparently they were not. And so now I have what is probably one of the world’s largest collections of personal data